Patterns and Numbers

            Each of us is made by God to impact those around us in a special way.  He gave each one of us gifts, talents, character traits, interests, and more for us to use in the uniqueness that he made when he created us.  For example, He speaks to me through music, numbers and patterns.  He has made me aware of patterns and numbers as He teaches me to pay attention to things He is doing, shows me what He has done in the world around me, continues to speak to me in the ways He created me to listen as He reveals things to me.
            Last year, 2012, my husband and I turned the age of the year the other was born.  Last year, my son's anniversary day (Christmas Eve) was the same day as it was the year he became my son.  Last year, God allowed me to finally "enter Job 42."  Last year God gave me a car with hand controls, thus giving me back some measure of my independence.  Last year God gave me a home better than the one that had been stolen out from under me.  This tells me that He will make a way to complete the purchase.  These things give me hope that maybe this year will be the restoration of my family as at least one of my children will "come to their senses" and return to me with their children in tow.
            As we entered the last few days of 2012, He reminded me that my number is 5, the number that stands for "grace."  My son and I were both born on the 5th.  My husband and younger daughter were both born on the 16th.  My older daughter was born on my best friend's birthday (30th).  Our daughter's Anniversary Day is the birthday of my father and eldest nephew.  It is also the day that our oldest grandson was born.  Our second grandson was born on our 30th wedding anniversary.  These details all give me great comfort, as well as the promise that God always ends what He begins.  My prodigal children have no way out.  They might as well give up and surrender to The Father's will and stop staying away from the mother with which they were blessed.
"…for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable."  Rom 11:29 (NASV)